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Tolerance Day

在当今社会,人们忙于工作,生活节奏太快,压力过大,经常变得很自我, 社 会不宽容现象越来越严重,让人心寒。由此我想设计一个节日活动,它叫Tolerance Day,它是一个鼓励人们宽容他人的节日,通过节日活动,让人们彼此了解对方,尊重差异,理解差异。联合国大会将1995年定为“国际宽容年”,并把每年11月16日定力“国际宽容日” ,然后在很多国家、地区,很少人知道这个节日的存在,没有活动,没有宣传,什么都没有,它是一个虛假的存在,不宽容事件频频发生。联合国秘书长安南曾指出,宽容是一种积极而正确的态度,是基于了解且尊重他人白由和权利而获得。他倡导,用关心取代冷漠与轻视,用了解取代盲目、无知和歧视。

宽容节是一个能引起人们对宽容的关注的节日,它提供了一个 让人们相互理解、相互沟通、相互宽容井减少误解、歧视和伤害的平台。对宽容节进行重新设计,增加节日仪式感,让人们能够铭记它, 促进社会宽容。​​​​​​​

In fact, the "International Day of Tolerance" was started 24 years ago. In 1995, the UN General Assembly designated November 16th of each year as the "International Year of Tolerance." However, the Day of Tolerance is almost nonexistent in most countries and regions, few people are aware of this festival. No propaganda or activities tolerance takes place while intolerance grows and spread UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has pointed out that tolerance is a positive and applaudable attitude based on understanding and respecting the freedoms and rights of others. He advocated reply and replacing blindness, ignorance, and discrimination with empathy.

Tolerance Day draws attention to social intolerance. It provides a platform for people to share and to understand, reducing misunderstanding, discrimination, harm, and ultimately promote tolerance. Redesign the Festival to highlight sense of holiday rituals so that people can remember it and promote social tolerance.
100 +海报设计:
这个海报设计的概念是,设计不仅由设计师才能做,而是每个人都可以参 与,井且可以各种使用自己的各种工 具创建,无论年龄,性别,没有种族, 没有限制职业,每个人都可以参与。

The concept of this poster design is that design can not only be done by designers, but that everyone can participate and can be created using various tools of their own, regardless of age, gender, no race, no restrictions on occupation, everyone Everyone can participate.

Tolerance Day

Tolerance Day
